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How many Inns of Court are there?
Four: Lincoln’s Inn, Gray’s Inn, Inner Temple and Middle Temple.
Who must belong to an Inn of Court?
Every English barrister and all former barristers turned judges must belong to an Inn of Court. Before you start your BPTC you must join an Inn of Court.
Where are the Inns of Court?
All four Inns of Court are located in London - around the areas of Holborn, Chancery Lane and Temple. Each Inn of Court has its owned self-contained precinct.
What is the role of the Inns of Court?
Inns of Court provide education, professional accommodation, dining facilities, libraries, and perform a supervisory and disciplinary role. The Inns of Court have the unique power to 'call' a person to the Bar. Importantly, the provide scholarships/ awards for those studying the Bar Course. This is important as they provide financial support and act as a 'stamp of approval' when applying for pupillage at chambers.
To receive a scholarship from an Inn, you must make an application and attend an interview. It is wise to apply for scholarships at an Inn before actually joining an Inn as if you are unsuccessful at gaining a scholarship from a particular Inn you have the option of applying to another Inn. REMEMBER – You cannot change Inn’s once you join one.
The deadline for scholarship applications for the coming academic year (2024/2025) is
3 November 2023. (Make sure to check the Inns website for any information regarding deadlines).
What are Qualifying Sessions?
Once you join an Inn you must attend 12 qualifying sessions before being ‘called to the Bar’. These can range from educational events such as debates, seminars and advocacy events to more social occasions such as dinners.
When can you join an Inn of Court?
You can join an Inn from your second year onwards, but you must have joined before you start the BPTC. Deadline for joining an Inn is 31st May of the year your BPC is due to start. Once you become a member, you are a member for life.
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